Tear Ya Down | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Tear Ya Down

Testo Tear Ya Down

Gonna show you what it‘s all about,
I‘m gonna make your toenails curl,
Gonna show you how to make me smile,
I‘m really into long legged girls,
I was talking to you all night long,
Every line was a favourite song,
Gonna show you how to make me laugh,
I‘m gonna Tear Ya Down

Gonna show you what it‘s all about,
I‘m gonna shoot ya down tonight,
I don‘t really wanna freak you out,
But I‘m gonna make ya feel alright,
I was talking to you all night through,
And I knew you were rolling me too,
Gonna shake you till your lips turn blue,
I‘m gonna Tear Ya Down

Gonna show you how to strut your stuff,
I‘m gonna make your dreams come true,
Gonna show you how to change your luck,
I‘m really gonna do it to you,
I was talking to ya hours and hours,
I promised you hearts and flowers,
I‘ll give you supernatural powers,
I‘m gonna Tear Ya Down.

Playlist Spotify

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